International Applicants

International Applicants

In Canada, internationally-educated graduates in engineering and applied science have the option to obtain provincial certification as a technician or technologist. In Alberta, ASET offers the following designations for engineering, information, and applied science practitioners: Certified Technician (C.Tech.), Certified Engineering Technologist (C.E.T.), and Professional Technologist (P.Tech.). 

Internationally-educated graduates follow the same application process as all other applicants. To be certified by ASET, all applicants must meet a minimum standard of education, experience, and professionalism. ASET recognizes work experience obtained outside of Canada.

Application Process

Please note: Your application will not be reviewed by the Board of Examiners until all application documents (including exam requirements) have been submitted. Once submitted, the average time for review is four–six months.

Application and Exam Resources

Download the handbooks on the following pages for more information on certification and exam requirements:

English Language Proficiency

Applicants are required to demonstrate proficiency in the English language that is sufficient to enable the applicant to responsibly practice the profession. Applicants may satisfy this requirement by providing the results of the following tests for English language competency: The following minimum test scores will be accepted by ASET for the purposes of evaluating English language proficiency:
Test Minimum Score Description
IELTS (General Training)

C.Tech. - 5

C.E.T. - 6

IELTS: International English Language Testing System

IELTS has two options for the reading and writing tests. Applicants must take either the “General Training” or the "Academic" test.

IELTS (Academic)

C.Tech. - 6

C.E.T. - 6.5

PTE (Academic)

C.Tech. - 50

C.E.T. - 58

Pearson Academic: English Language Test

Applicants must register for the PTE Academic test. ASET is able to receive testing results electronically from Pearson via their online service. Choose ASET as the recipient when requesting a copy of your results.
PTE (Academic - Online)

C.Tech. - 50

C.E.T. - 58

Pearson Academic: English Language Test

Applicants must register for the PTE Academic Online test. ASET is able to receive testing results electronically from Pearson via their online service. Choose ASET as the recipient when requesting a copy of your results.

C.Tech. - 5

C.E.T. - 7

CELPIP: Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program

CELPIP has two different tests. Applicants must take the “CELPIP-General” test.
Applicants who are unable to provide test results may request special consideration by the Board of Examiners. Please contact for more information.

Applicants who are graduates of an academic program delivered in English are exempt from this requirement.

Applicants who may need more than the allotted time when writing the PPE and/or ASET Certification Exam, may request additional time by completing and submitting this form to ASET seven weeks prior to their desired/registered exam date.


Q: Can I apply for certification from outside of Canada?

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Q: I am internationally trained. What if I need more time when writing the exam to complete it?

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Q: What documents will I need?

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Q: What exams will be required?

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Q: Can I apply for P.Tech. with my international work experience?

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Q: I am a refugee with no academic documentation. Can I apply for certification?

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Q: I am a refugee; how do I apply for application fees to be waived?

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