ASET is committed to recognizing the qualifications of technology professionals with unique backgrounds and circumstances.
The Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) pre-assessment program is designed for certification applicants who:
- Have not graduated from an applied science, engineering, or information technology program or are unable to produce academic transcripts, and
- Have a minimum of 24 months of relevant technical work experience
If you have a journeyman certificate, have completed a post-secondary technical certificate, or have graduated from a military technical program, you are qualified academically to apply for C.Tech and are NOT required to complete a PLAR assessment. Please proceed to the C.Tech. application page.
Fees |
Amount |
Application Fee |
$180* |
*Please be advised that application fees are non-refundable.
Application Process

Average time to complete application: 2-4 months
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How long does it take to complete the PLAR application process?
Q: Can I complete a physical PLAR portfolio?
Q: How do I get a PLAR advisor?
Q: Who evaluates the PLAR applications?
Q: Am I automatically a C.Tech. after passing the PLAR application?
Q: Can I get a C.E.T. designation with a successful PLAR portfolio?
Q: Can I get a P.Tech. designation with a successful PLAR portfolio?
Q: I am concerned the PLAR program is not enough to recognize certification for technicians and technologists. How is ASET allowing non-graduates to gain C.Tech. or C.E.T. designations?