Effective January 1, 2024, P.Tech. applicants who are graduates of a program not accredited by TAC must successfully complete the ASET Certification Exam. Applicants who completed the ASET Certification Exam for their C.E.T. application will not need to rewrite the exam.
Professional Technologist registration takes your career to the next level. P.Tech.(Eng.)/(Geo.) members have the right to practice engineering or geoscience independently within a defined scope of practice and in accordance with established codes and standards. With this right, a member may sign and stamp their own engineering or geoscience work.
To qualify for P.Tech.(Eng.)/(Geo.) registration applicants must:
- Be C.E.T. members of ASET in good standing
- Be graduates of a 2-year technical post-secondary program
- Have at least 6 years of post-graduate technical engineering or geoscience experience, including at least 2 years under the supervision of an Alberta P.Eng. or P.Geo.
Learn more about the transferability of the P.Tech. designation throughout Canada.
Fees and Dues
Fees |
Amount |
Application Fee |
$395* |
ASET Certification Exam Fee (includes GST) |
$252* |
National Professional Practice Exam Fee (includes GST) |
$262.50* |
Annual Membership Dues |
$460* |
*Please be advised that application fees, exam fees and annual membership dues are non-refundable.
Application Process
Please note, your application will not be reviewed by the Board until all application documents (including exam requirements) have been submitted. Once submitted, the average time for review is 4–6 months.
Applying for Additional/Revised Scope
Existing P.Tech.(Eng.)/(Geo.) members who would like to add a scope or revise an existing scope of practice must reapply in full following the current application process, including references.
Scope changes are considered to be new scopes of practice and must go through the same review process as new scopes of practice.
Reinstatement of Membership
For more information about reinstatement, please refer to our Reinstatement page.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Do I have to be a C.E.T. to apply for the P.Tech. designation?
Q: Is there a waiting period to apply for P.Tech. after obtaining my C.E.T. designation with ASET?
Q: How long will it take to obtain the P.Tech. designation?
Q: What are the requirements for the P.Tech. designation?
Q: What is required to maintain my P.Tech. designation?
Q: If I hold a Canadian journeyperson certificate or have completed the ASET Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) portfolio for my ASET C.E.T. application, does this qualify me academically to apply for P.Tech.?
Q: I completed a co-op term as part of my post-secondary two-year diploma program. Could this specific experience count towards the minimum experience (months) required?
Q: Does experience obtained outside of Canada count towards an application?
Q: If I wrote the National Professional Practice Exam (NPPE) with APEGA or another Canadian engineering association, am I exempt from the exam requirement?
Q: What is the Joint Board of Examiners and who reviews the applications?
Q: Where can I use the P.Tech. designation?
Q: Can I use the P.Tech. designation in another province?
Q: Am I required to use my previous supervisor as a reference for my application?
Q: How does the P.Tech. designation differ from APEGA’s P.L.(Eng./Geo.) designation?
Q: Do I also gain membership with APEGA upon successfully obtaining the P.Tech. designation?
Q: I am currently a P.Tech. How can I change my existing scope or obtain an additional scope of practice?
Q: Is an exam required for the P.Tech. designation?
Q: How do I use the P.Tech. stamp and what does the stamp look like?
Q: I am currently a P.Tech. Do I require a permit to practice?
Q: Is my P.Tech. designation transferrable to other provinces/countries?
Q: I am currently a P.Tech. working for an Alberta company. Can I take responsibility for work conducted outside of the province on behalf of my company?
Q: My membership was cancelled. How can I reinstate as a P.Tech.?
Q: As an employer, how can I confirm a scope of practice?
Q: What if my immediate supervisor is not a P.Eng. or P.Geo.?